Буржуйский мод про Ренессанс. Юниты практически все ванильные.
Hey all, you may not care to hear what I have to say about your mod, but put it like this. Your mod is great! The time period, features, everything! Of couse their are a few problems, but what mod doesn't have any?
The concept of actually fighting AI that uses Gun-Powder is just amazing. Through all of my total war experiences in the past, I don't think I have once actually fought an AI army that had more then a Bombard in it.
Though only having this mod for a few days, I have already recreated a mini World War 1 scenario, I as the HRE, my only Allies the Ottomans and the Hungarians VS. the rest of the world. Millions have died under my wrath, and hopefully millions more.... hem.
My only problems with this mod are minor, and are more of personal taste then anything. The biggest thing I find lacking in the mod are Musketeers. I think every faction should get a form of it, Arquebuisers, though great, just aren't elite enough. Perhaps some more Gun Powder units, with different stats, just to make things a little different for some European factions. Believe me, I would LOVE to see England and France with Muskets...
Another thing I found lacking was some of the Region placements. I love the added regions, especially those to South Sahara. Many of the regions where great, but my problem is, if a game about the Renaissance which takes place during the age of discovery, shouldn't the America's have more provinces? I'm not talking about Substantial, I mean more along the lines of giving Florida and the rest of the East Coast of the U.S. 2-3 provinces, maybe adding 1 more to 'Mexico' and splitting the 'Brazillian' Province in half.
Other then those too small problems, which are more of a prefrence to me, this mod is great. Its obvious you guys put some work into it, and am looking forward to 3.0!