DarthMod: Shogun 2
Дарт выпустил мод для Shogun 2:
Описание изменений версий
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Версия 1.0
• Правка BAI для создания более интересных сражений и повышение эффективности войск.
• Изменения скорости, ускорения, массы и физики юнитов для болбшей реалистичности.
• Удаление трассеров. В сочетании с пониженной скоростью юнитов, существенное увеличение FPS.
• Правки параметров и уровней усталости.
• Повышена мораль для более интенсивных боев.
• Кавалерийский чардж является более мощным, может длиться дольше в ближнем бою, и более смертельный.
• Скорость перезарядки башен слегка уменьшен с 4 до 3.
• Снаряды и стрелы менее точны и менее эффективны против брони, и как правило, являются более реалистичными.
• Более динамичны настройки дипломатии и отношений между кланами.
• Улучшенный автоматический расчет сражений.
• Удаление самых безумных недостатков CAI, и в качестве компенсации, CAI лучше использует систему быбора, чтобы лучше развиваться и координировать параметры атаки/защиты (нуждается в тестировании).
• Торговля является более прибыльной.
• Налоговая ставка в провинциях увеличена.
• Юниты более быстро получают опыт в бою.
• Очки опыта за апгрейт увеличились с 2 до 3.
• CAI будет набирать меньше лучников, чем раньше.
• Нехватка продовольствия сократится путем снижения потребления пищи у некоторых построек.
• Менее аккуратные построения юнитов.
• Радиус влияния полководца увеличилось.
Версия 1.1
• Увеличение повреждений от стрел, так как этот параметр был слишком низким.
• Каваллерия стала быстрее, а также изменены некоторые параметры, влияющие на ее эффективность. Конница Яри, Лучников и Kaтанa будет иметь более широкие различия в физике.
• Снижение доходов кампании до более надлежащего уровня.
• Включены "Realm Divide" среди многих других настроек дипломатии.
• Фракции будут строить еще больше продвинутых юнитов.
• В версию 1.1 входит мод удаляющий накидки Хоро.
Версия 1.15
-Увеличение скорости передвижения войск.
-Снижение параметра усталости для стрельбы/перезарядки.
-Оптимизирование параметров доходов и продовольствия ( .. нуждается в тестировании).
-Исправление найма лучников в сторону уменьшения (просьба проверить, CAI сейчас должен формировать более сбалансированные армии).
-и ... Речь шла о размере. DarthMod всегда предлагал эпическая битвы, но с миниатюрными армии это не может быть сделано. Дарт включил в user.script множитель численности юнитов x2, так что вы сейчас сможете иметь эпические сражения.
Версия 1.2
-Оптимизированный набор юнитов для CAI(меньше лучников, больше самураев)
-Более точно выверенный уровень повреждений и ущерба от стрел и снарядов.
-Скорость в рукопашных схватках оптимизированна(как результат - более напряженные бои).
-Клан Ода может наконец выжить и стать сверхдержавой, благодаря настройке на увеличение доходов по сравнению с ванилой, более сбалансированному набору юнитов и пр. правок.
Версия 1.25
-Уменьшение штрафа к усталости.
-Улучшенная механика ближнего боя.
-Множество изменений в CAI: он стал более агрессивным при атаке, более активное участие в морской войне. Таким образом, игра стала более сложной. (Требуется начать новую кампанию, чтобы увидеть новые эффекты, но разница видна мгновенно). Параметры правок основаны на DarthMod для E:TW(DM/DMUC).
-Улучшенный инсталлятор для отслеживания файлов программы на всех системах.
-Добавлена возможность игры с юнитами нормальных размеров.
Версия 1.3:
-Различные изменения, с целью сделать рукопашные схватки дольше и создать более кинематографическую атмосферу сражений(требует дальнейшего тестирования).
-Правки в CAI, чтобы сделать AI кланов более эффективными в завоевании провинций и развитии(требует длительного тестирования в компании).
-CAI будет предпочитаьт строить более продвинутые и прокаченные юниты.
-Незначительное увеличение некоторых параметров изменений в зависимости от уровеня сложности (сопротивление иностранной оккупации и авторасчет бонусов и штрафов).
-Потребление продовольствия останется низкой для начальных уровней замка, но становится выше(как в ванили) при дальнейшем апгрейте замка. Это помогает начать развитие фракции, но позже станет сложнее развиваться.
Версия 1,35:
-Образование сильных гарнизонов при осадах. AI больше не будет легкой мишенью с незащищенными провинциями и пустыми замками. Это создаст больше сложностей для игрока, когда он столкнется с массовыми армиями кланов управляемых AI, которые будут лучше контролировать больше провинций. Гарнизоны не будут видны в энциклопедии, только в кампании на карте и в бою.
-Изменен эвент Сёгуна, когда все кланы становятся врагами, сейчас он вызывает умеренно негативное воздействие и постепенно достигает нулевого эффекта через 10 ходов.
-Потребление продовольствия увеличилась в замках низкого уровня, как эффект для постянного гарнизона.
-Доход от бонусов в технологии несколько увеличилась (1% был слишком низкок, стал 4%)
-Небольшие изменения в CAI для обсчета эффекта от нового гарнизона. CAI будет вторгаться с более сильными армиями.
Версия 1.4
Быстрое обновление гарнизона и его увеличение. У гарнизонов есть сила 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 за тип укрепления, и также даются более специализированные войска. Также дополнительный гарнизон состоит из самураев.
Немного увеличено повреждения лучников по броне.Оптимизировано.
Версия 1.45
Радикальное изменение в проекте,благодаря сообщениям и помощи от пользователей. Лучники наконец-то были сбалансированы окончательно ( конные стрелки тоже подверглись изменению),в общем,они готовы к бою.
Авторасчет с большой армией лучников пофиксен,улучшены результаты боя,самураи также были усилены с авторасчете.
Наем самураев-лучников пофиксен .Теперь ИИ будет строить довольно жестокие армии.
Версия 1.5
* Стрельцы запускают более эффективные сосредоточенные залпы стрел (они стреляли слишком индивидуально).
* уровень Исследования увеличился так, чтобы решающие усовершенствования оружия стали доступными скорее и не так поздно как в ванили.
* здания Рынка больше не потребляют, а производят еду (логически). Ряд 1 = 0 Еды, Ряд 2 = 1 Еда, Ряд 3 =1 Еда, Ряд 4 = 2 Еды. Вместе с увеличенным богатством, которое они производят, они - теперь действительно ценные здания и стратегически важные.
* Множество вспомогательных премий были переделаны, потому что некоторые были нелогично низки и бесполезны.
* бонусы министров теперь немного увеличены.
* Импортированные matchlock ashigaru строятся теперь два хода, стоят только 500 вместо 900 монет, и таким образом, их легко построить.
* баллиста теперь доступна с начала (в ряду 1 здание осады), и огненные орудия доступны в ряду 2 здания осады. Это была противоположность. Это должно поощрить ИИ строить это ценное оборудование осады раньше и делать осады более интересными.
Версия 1.55:
-Рынки теперь потребляют продовольствие в расчете -1. Кроме того, все порты дают +1 к продовольствию. Это позволит укрепить прибрежные провинции.
-Перебалансирована эффективность стрел с учетом всех уровней сложности. В легендарной режиме например, они были значительно слабее.
-Улучшилась точность корабельных орудий, поскольку она была слишком низкой.
-Увеличилась скорость некоторых юнитов(яри асигару, нагината, самураев), поскольку она была ниже, чем она должна быть.
-Штраф на сопротивление иностранной оккупации уменьшаются для AI. Максимальным сейчас является -35% (в предыдущем DarthMod он мог достигать -65% в легендарном режиме ).... в ванили было -100% в уровнях повышенной сложности. Это позволит его деференцировать в зависимости от уровня сложности.
Версия 1.6
-Крепость и ее дальнейшие улучшения требуют +1 продовольствия. Это предотвратит большое распространение замков и переизбыток продовольствия.
-Высокий уровень рынка требует +2 продовольствия вместо +1. Рынок дает слишком много экономических бонусов и должен стоить дороже.
-Уменьшен штраф для ближнего боя и стрел в лесах.
-Больше препятствий для CAI в стоимости содержания войск в зависимости от уровня сложности.
-CAI будет использовать агентов более эффективно.
-Оптимизация и улучшение баланса найма войск. Великие дома нанимают больше своих сильных юнитов.
Версия 1.65
-Поставка\потребление продовольствия практически как в ваниле(оригинальной версии игры).Порты больше не производят продовольствия.
-Исправления автобитвы, лучники больше не получают большого преимущества в автобитве.
-Благодаря разблокировке важного файла лучники наконец стали оптимизированы. Перезарядка быстрее, стреляют кучно и более разнообразно(без автонавода), многое добавлено чтобы сделать их такими как надо.
-Стрелки с ружьями теперь имеют дальность 120 и урон и физика их оружия сделаны более реалистично.
-У кавалерии есть бонус к защите + 6 чтобы они могли дольше продержаться в ближнем бою и смогли прорваться из битвы без больших потерь.
-CAI был изменен чтобы нанимать меньше лучников в кампании и продолжал нанимать сильные отряды каждого клана.
-Скорость поворота и ускорение морских судов уменьшены до более реалистичного уровня.Больше никаких моторных лодок.
Версия 1.7
-Удалены файлы контролирующие найм войск CAI так как они портят общий баланс, судя по вашим отзывам. У меня самого времени тестировать нет. Немного уменьшен урон лучников.
Версия 1.75
-Град стрел более кучный.
-Ружейный залп более кучный.
-Увеличено количество денег при грабеже.
-Начальный капитал для маленьких кланов уменьшен, чтобы дать возможность завоеваний большим кланам.
-Увеличена стоимость слежения за порядком.
-Преимущество лучников в автобитве должно быть устранено.
-CAI более осторожно планирует вторжения. Должен набирать большие армии перед вторжением.
-CAI должен набирать больше хорошо защищенных отрядов.
Версия 1.8
-Урон от стрел наконец оптимизирован (я уверен).
-Действия для посадки войск на корабли должны длиться дольше.
-Доход от налогов должен уменьшиться на 10%. CAI имеет дополнительно меньшую цену на содержание и найм отрядов для компенсации.
-Кавалерия более выносливая в ближнем бою.
-Мятежники должны стать более сильными.
-Преимущество лучников при автобитве наконец устранено.
-Скорость поворотов и ускорение морских судов уменьшены до более реалистичного уровня.Больше никаких моторных лодок и маневров в стиле НЛО.
Версия 1.85
- Физика полетов снаряда стала лучше и более реалистичная траектория.
- Скорость судов увеличилась настолько, что они могут сесть эффективно.
- Боевой дух морского экипажа увеличился.
- CAI должны теперь лучше выстраивают экономику и агентов (нуждается в тестировании).
- Характеристики генералов улучшились.
- Muskets now unleash a devastating wall of lead and have more coherent formations.
+5 Увеличение боеприпасов у лучников.
- рукопашка теперь более глубокая и насильственная в результате чего более кинематографическая...
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Version 1.9
[*]CAI should be more careful, defensive and generally more challenging for the human player (New setting... check if the clans defend better and if Oda is affected positively.)
[*]Bowmen and musketmen should be better in fire response.
[*]Naval CAI recruitment should be biased more to heavy ships.
[*]Economy is more challenging for the human player (Income from trade less because it could get very high, some slight administration penalties per difficulty level).
[*]CAI will not be so vulnerable by rebel riots.
[*]Each special unit for a clan will have more distinct differences from the average. For example the Uesugi will built far more superior monks and also in less turns and much more cheaper, the same for the siege equipment of the Hojo, the cavalry of the Takeda, the katana of the Shimazu, the No-Dachi of the Date, the ships of the Mori etc. This should encourage CAI to recruit them more.
[*]Ships have much more movement points (This should encourage more naval invasions and engagements). Naval zone of control increased to help the interception of the invasions.
[*]Land battles morale base reduced -1 for more realistic/challenging battles against AI.
[*]The turning rate of ships is higher in zero speeds. This should make them to board more effectively.
[*]Melee lasts slightly longer (new setting).
[*]Autocalc tougher for the player above hard difficulties, resembling more the losses he should have if he had played the battle.
[*]New arrow model special for the ashigaru, to make them fire differently from the elite samurai.
[*]Projectile damage fine tuned all around. Musketmen should fire more realistic volleys.
[*]Marriage effect slightly more lasting (it was already high enough).
[*]Food system identical to vanilla (a slight less food consumption for 3rd level market has been withdrawn). This should prevent greedy players to take advantage of markets.
[*]Infantry movements have better reactions/decelerations as requested.
[*]Mangonels more accurate (were too inaccurate in previous versions of the mod).
[*]Ships boarding actions last longer and sail ships turn faster (There is an official bug that makes them behave weird I think, for example sails do not open according to speed).
[*]Minors and rebels should raid more (needs testing).
[*]Spotting distances reduced to make hiding more effective.
[*]The Uesugi can build naginata monks from level 1 Temple, so they can take advantage of their unique units sooner.
[*]New excellent unit cards designed exclusively for DarthMod by JFC. They should be compatible with all extra units of AUM-SHO as well.
[/list]Version 1.95
[*]Infantry deceleration optimized for more human like responses and better battles.
[*]Important naval ship tweaks to make the ships more responsive to boarding attacks and to not stuck when too many ships are together.
[*]New unit cards by JFC (without the loading screens).
[/list]Версия 2.0
[*]Realm Divide appears sooner (it needs aprox. 13, 14 annexed provinces instead of 18).
[*]Mangonels more effective.
[*]Cannons more effective by far (vanilla had not enabled explosion effects for them and I enabled them).
[*]Increased ammo for cannons and mangonels.
[*]Multiple changes to projectiles for realistic trajectory improvements which affect also their lethality.
[*]Projectile and artillery shots affect morale more.
[*]Fire arrows provoke ignition with more probability (affects naval battles).
[*]Ships have gained more crew (This was from 1.95 version as well but not mentioned) and there are some changes affecting their boarding behaviour especially Sengoku Bune.
[*]Combat animation mechanics improved together with new combat lethalities making battles more lasting and the visuals more realistic and cinematic.
[*]Horse archers can now evade and run away more effectively.
[*]War monks have even better physical abilities than before (run and accelerate faster than the average) to help them win their 1vs1 battles more.
[*]Cavalry charge penetration enhanced.
[*]Several changes to mass and battle models to create more prolonged melees, better battle behaviour of the units, more powerful charges.
[*]Uesugi and Ikko-Ikki can now build their warrior monks without the dojos, so that they can finally unleash them sooner.
[*]Takeda can build sword cavalry and cavalry archers without the dojos, so that they can build them sooner.
[*]Kisho Ninja are cheaper for Hattori so that AI can build more of them.
[*]CAI should build more heavy ships and less light and medium ships.
[*]+5 Anti-cavalry bonus for the No-Dachi.
[*]Mass and radius of ships lowered for better behaviour, ship pushes and less stacking around.
[*]Mass, radiuses and some other physics values changed to make melees more realistic.
[*]-1 morale for frontal attacks to improve the dynamic morale system. (Ashigaru should waver or get shocked more but not break too soon).
[*]New mods for the launcher:
[*]Clan Retexture Project by Ftmch (Much better unit visuals).
[*] Furinkazan by Ying, Duke of Qin. (New portraits).
[*]Better In-Game Encyclopedia Map by ordinary.
[/list]Версия 2.05
[*]Retinue abilities increased in some occasions that were very low.
[*]Some low character abilities increased.
[*]Yari Ashigaru fight with their pike and not with their sword.
[*]Sengoku Bune cost and upkeep increased because it values more (has large boarding crew) and the CAI preferred it too much due to this.
[*]Wako medium Bune gained more crew.
[*]A new melee mechanics system which creates more chaos and 1vs1 fightings. The soldiers can penetrate formations in small teams and fight realistically back to back against their enemies. Battles last more and are more enjoying to watch that way. Morale has been tweaked for compensation to the new system.
[*]Inserted option of the Sashimono removal mod which is created and first introduced by Radius (compatible version with the latest AUM).
[*]Inserted an option to custom edit your mod script.
[*]Lowered the diplomacy penalties when not accepting to follow a war or break an alliance (possibly affecting the hard coded diplomacy bug positively).
[/list]Версия 2.1
[*]Melee more penetrating. You should witness even more cinematic battles.
[*]Some changes in battle entities which also affect slightly the archery damage as requested.
[*]Cavalry balanced for new CA patch. (Stat changes and battle entities changes).
[*]Projectile damage balanced for new CA patch. (Changes in Kv_rules).
[*]The new units of the patch balanced for DarthMod.
[*]Morale basis +1. Morale also is affected more when army and unit numbers fall above 50-60%. The new changes in morale create battles which are more dynamic and their outcome is more fragile to timely charges.
[*]All the optional graphics&sound submods of DMS updated for the new CA patch.
[*]Ronin units are more expensive to build and to upkeep and have limit 4. This will prevent the CAI to spam them and also give their true nature of being something like elite mercenaries.
[*]Ashigaru archers more agile.
[/list]Версия 2.15
[*]Religion spreads with lower rate (from previous version 2.1 this has been done and now it is mentioned).
[*]Inserted the updated Atmospheric Sounds Mod : Shogun II (v.1.2 PATCH 5 COMPATIBLE) of pisoiasul.
[*]Updated the Clan Retexture Project: ALL playable clans retextured and released! (Updated for latest patch!) of Ftmch. It is now removing effectively the Horo (Thanks to Toon Total War), has some fixed Textures for Hattori (Thanks to Ftmch) and also includes the Less_Gloss Mod of Ftmch.
[*]Increased the unit size of some Ikko Ikki units as it has been done from the official patch and made also some other slight adjustments (Thanks to Mr Kami & Radius for the feedback).
[*]Projectile Reload rate at walls lowered to realistic rates (it was like ultra-laser repeaters before). Now projectiles can be more effective because their ammo is not wasted so quickly and volleys are better aimed.
[*]Administration penalties for human player slightly less in high difficulty rates so to give a better chance to weak players to raise better armies against the efficient CAI.
[/list]Версия 2.2
[*]Archers should be slightly more powerful as requested.
[*]Troops react better at first contact creating more lively melees.
[*]Mangonels more accurate.
[*]Missile troops can defend themselves more effectively (No unit stats changes).
[*]Charge bonuses last more.
[*]Ikko Ikki warrior monks no longer recruited in 1 turn but 2 so that AI Ikko Ikki do not spam them and become invincible.
[*]CAI major clans more expansionists and effective than the minors who are now more defensive but not easy targets at all. This should correct the problem that came with the patch that some major clans fail to expand.
[*]CAI eager to cycle war and peace through negotiation procedures.
[*]CAI Agents a lot more active.
[*]Renamed some CAI related files because there is a possibility that some of their values are overriden by vanilla (for example the Realm Divide Effect does not come sooner).
[*]Chosokabe samurai and ashigaru archers slightly more powerful.
[*]Katana samurai and hero got a slight +2 anti-cavalry bonus so as not to be so vulnerable to cavalry.
[*]Oda yari, bow and matchlock ashigaru require now 0 recruitment points. This will make the Oda capable to raise quickly powerful Ashigaru armies, up to 6 units per turn per castle. (Needs testing if the Oda CAI understands that and can finally survive... new campaign needed for testing).
[*]-1 defence for cavalry to balance it against infantry
[*]CAI should examine better when to attack a castle.
[*]Ship Movement points all 100 because the previous 120 movements points of trade ships may have favoured them too much in autocalculation of battles.
[*]New DMS launcher addons:
[*] Option to enable/disable increased projectile damage.
[*] Option to enable/disable more starting units for the AI Oda (made by Thorn). This 2.2 version makes the Oda powerful and by enabling this it may make them invincible (have not tested the effects).
[*] Option to enable/disable ToonTotalWar graphics enhancements (Better looking bows, unit interface, loading screens)
[/list]Версия 2.3
[*]Mangonel trajectory improved and this was done for other projectiles as well.
[*]Ship turning rates improved and balanced for successful boarding attacks.
[*]The new Ikko Ikki special monk agent gains 3 upgrade options instead of 2 (was done in previous version and was not mentioned).
[*]All foot soldiers without spears/naginatas gained +2 anti-cavalry bonus to withstand better the powerful cavalry charges of DarthMod. No-Dachi still have +5 bonus.
[*]Melee strength of archers/skirmishers improved because it was too low from vanilla:
[*] Ashigaru Matchlockmen +1 attack
[*] Ashigaru bowmen +1 attack
[*] Samurai bowmen +2 attack
[*] Samurai matchlock men +1 defence
[*] Warrior monk bowmen +3 attack
[*] Warrior monk bowmen +3 defence
[*]CAI should built more fortifications than markers (needs testing).
[*]Updates of the following DMS submods:
[*]Clan Retexture Project
[*]Elvasat's Mods
[*]The Oda Boost Mod gives now the Oda enhanced version of Ashigarus.
[*]New option in the launcher:
[*]Ashikaga Boost On/Off = The Shogunate will behave more aggressively in the map and they will try to retain their empire with their own army (Needs testing).
[/list]Версия 2.35
[*]Stand and fight more resilient against cavalry attacks (needs testing because I do not know if it uses square formation values).
[*]Ashikaga Boost mod updated (Still needs testing if it works as intented).
[*]Tokugawa AI should build more ninja agents.
[*]Autocalculation updated:
[*] To win a battle there is need of higher percentage advantage.
[*] Naval auto calculation should be improved (needs testing).
[*]Updates of the following DMS submods:
[*]Furinkazan: a comprehensive art rework by Ying, Duke of Qin
[*]Atmospheric Sounds Mod : Shogun II by pisoiasul
[*]New submod added:
[*]Oda Tokugawa Alliance: an elegant solution for Oda survival by Gallus Domesticus
[/list]Версия 2.4
[*]Events and missions more frequent (needs testing).
[*]AI armies with general no longer teleport to human player borders. This was assumed as army spawn (needs testing).
[*]Human player AI rivals will no loner get bonuses (Insane Vanilla setting). This caused madness in mid turns to AI clans against the human player who had to straggle against many (needs testing).
[*]Ashikaga will no longer spawn too many units. With the Ashikaga Boost on, the Ashikaga will not spawn units at all because they behave as normal major clans. Thanks to The Hedge Knight for the tip.
[*]Hattori now built their naginata in 1 turn and not 2, as they build their yari samurai.
[*]Imported Matchlock Ashigaru are now much more expensive but have much less upkeep and can be built in zero turns, to be a better recruit option for both the player and AI.
[*]The Japanese matchlock Ashigaru are now even more cheaper in cost and upkeep, to encourage the AI to build them more.
[*]Warrior monk matchlock men no longer require level 3 siege building. Historically the Ikko Ikki monks favoured guns a lot so this simulates the early usage. The Uesugi warrior monks matchlock men have also this ability.
[*]Takeda cavalry are now built in 1 turn instead of 2 to encourage the AI to build them more.
[*]The radius of units is increased to lessen the clustering between troops, especially in sieges. This setting makes them slightly more vulnerable to projectiles. Charge and melee penetration is maintained.
[*]New submod updates in DMS launcher:
[*] -Corrected the Oda-Tokugawa allies mod not working.
[*] -The Oda Boost mod is enhanced. Now Oda and Tokugawa start as friends instead of enemies. The conflicting mods Oda-Tokugawa alliance and Oda boost are disabled automatically according to the one used. Full credits go to Thorn.
[*] -New Ashigaru Boost option. The Ashigaru have increased size to make the AI recruit more of them and also to be a tougher opponent against the samurai. Thanks to diadok for the feedback.
[/list]Версия 2.45
[*]Much better penetration and melee effects (fine tuning of changes made in 2,4 versions).
[*] Battles should feel even more realistic. The charges will be more effective, melees will not create stagnant fronts but dynamic areas inside-out of the main battle line and many 1vs1 duels. As a result, cavalry charges will be very powerful but will be more vulnerable to prolonged melee.
[*]CAI should support with armies their vassals/allies more (Needs testing).
[*]New submod updates in DMS launcher:
[*] Repaired the Clan retexture mod unit icons not showing correct in some occasions (empty white). I included the CoconutFred's unit icons especially adapted by ToonTotalWar.
[/list]Версия 2.5
[*]CAI has less repression bonuses so it can not blitz as easily and cannot overwhelm the human player as decisively. This will make it to leave some units in castles so the human player will have difficulty in attacking the AI as well. Also the Ikko Ikki will have significant disadvantage in conquering different religion provinces but also the advantage of fanatic resistance against those who attack them.
[*]Warrior monk Naginata cavalry no longer requires a lot to be built just Ikko Ikki temple tier 3 and above.
[*]CAI will not built so many samurai but will also built Ashigaru after middle campaign game.
[*]Light cavalry not so strong any more.
[*]Mori, Uesugi, and Date clans more defensive, and Tokugawa more aggressive. This should change the campaign balance and the survival ability of these clans.
[*]Ashikaga no unit spam mod is less strong (The Ashikaga need more powerful armies).
[*]Realm divide effect negated (will be put as an option in the launcher)!
[*]Matchlock Samurai can be recruited sooner (Need now "Siege Powder Maker" building).
[*]AI should send more trade ships in trade nodes.
[*]Many diplomacy changes to calm down the CAI over aggressiveness against the human player after middle turns in the campaign game.
[*]The realm divide effect is much softer: initial diplomacy effect is -1 and increased by -1 until it reaches the max=-25.
[*]CAI recruitment balanced better than the previous version of the mod (The target is to force AI to recruit more Ashigarus and balanced armies).
[*]Imported matchlock ashigaru cheaper (now cost only 450).
[*]Changes in the DMS Launcher:
[*] -Toon Light graphics pack no longer includes the loading screens (shows samurai pictures of ancient, early medieval era).
[*] -Elvasat mod updated.
[*] -Replaced the Clan Color Mod of Jane with Alternative Clan Colours - over half of the game's faction uniforms plus the ronin and banners recoloured of Demokritos. It is a quality work and you can use it as an alternative of Unit Retexture mod of Ftmch if you notice fps drop downs.
[/list]Версия 2.55
[*]More cinematic havoc, melee penetrations and destructive charges in battles.
[*]Yari Ashigaru Shield Wall braking prematurely fixed.
[*]Cannons made more powerful.
[*]Naval battles improved (turning rates optimized a lot).
[*]Trade ships crew lowered (possibly the increased crew made them overpowered in autocalc).
[*]AI clans not so unfriendly against the human player and between them.
[*]Certain AI clans have been set so that they are more aggressive or defensive, to use funds more military wise or balanced with result Mori, Date, Tokugawa, Uesugi, Shimazu to have more survival possibilities and Takeda to build more balanced armies.
[*]Hojo should be more aggressive and build more quality armies.
[*]Oda should build more ashigaru.
[*]Some new diplomacy settings lower the possibility of illogical break of treaties of the AI.
[*]Fatigue affects more the troop abilities during battle.
[*]AI should send more trade ships to trade nodes.
[*]War negative diplomacy effects will diminish more rapidly and will have a minimum of -60 instead of -80 so that AI will not insist so much for war after many turns of continuous hostilities.
[*]Realm divide will come sooner not only because of annexed territories but because of prestige effects (thanks to zowrath for sharing the relevant information in his thread here
[*]-1 attack for light cavalry (because cavalry stable experience bonuses compensate enough).
[*]Back stabbing penalty minimized (maybe this fixed the hard coded dishonouring treaties penalties that is applied).
[*]Ships will have much more collision strength, especially the heavy ships, so now the ships with large size can curve their paths through enemy ship formations and provoke havoc, as they should do.
[*]Sengoku Bune turning rates improved so that they are now much more useful light and medium ship hunters.
[*]DMS Launcher changes:
[*] Oda-Tokugawa Alliance mod of Gallus Domesticus (updated).
[*] Elvasat's mod(updated).
[/list]Версия 2.6
An urgent update which generally improves CAI and should correct some CAI recruitment choices.
Версия 2.65
[*]Turning rate of infantry increased and base density lowered to 1 for all. This creates penetration and chaotic melees to the maximum level possible. The base density column is the next to the left of Anti-Cavalry bonus column in unit_stats_land db file.
[*]Battle Auto calculation is improved so that missiles have a more important role: affects castle storming which now has much more casualty cost and battles vs archers. Special balance has been made so missile troops do not have overpowered results in auto calc battles.
[*]Traits gained much sooner. (Affects more the idle generals which cannot get bonuses unless they fight battles... wrongly balanced by CA).
[*]Ashikaga will do much more balanced army recruiting.
[*]Each infantry type will have a distinct melee penetration effect ability creating for example situations were katana break yari ashigaru formation and start to butcher them easily.
[*]Some fine tuning in CAI recruitment choices.
[*]Experience bonuses per building updated in many cases.
[*]Date can build No-Dachi from 1st tier Swordsman Building (to give them the edge they required).
[*]DMS Launcher changes:
[*]Some script fixes which in rare occasions would cause Multiplayer incompatibility between DarthMod and even Vanilla players.
[*]Realm divide option reversed (On enables the mod, off disables it).
[*]Elvasat mod updated.
[*]Added a new Boost option: Income Boost which is ideal for players who want to play very large battles and are not very good in economics.
[*]Added new Multiplayer options. The MP Light Settings are the old Default Settings. The MP Heavy Settings are recommended by me for a very good battle experience. All players must use one of these settings to organise Multiplayer matches with DarthMod.
[*]Added at last the famous Unit Variety mod of The Hedge Knight.
[*] More info about this mod you will find here:
[*]V.3.05 PATCH -Unit Variety Mod + Light Edition.
[*] The unit retexture mod and unit card mods are disabled automatically for the player so that the Unit Variety Mod plays without problems.
[/list]Версия 2.7
[*]All Ashigaru bows archer units have lower charge value, not higher than 2. All Yari Ashigaru gained charge 3 instead of 1. This not only changes their battle value but the CAI recruitment (as I have set it) because now the AI should not prefer bow ashigaru so much instead of yari ashigaru.
[*]Yari ashigaru have more tight formations by default.
[*]Yari ashigaru in Ashigaru Boost mode have 1 more deployed rank so as not to stretch too much because of their increased size.
[*]Unit formation "untidyness" increased for more realistic visuals and more chaotic melees.
[*]Ikko Ikki incite revolt cost halved, so to make it more worthy.
[*]Rebellions will be slightly more favoured to happen in a province because of new policing costs and caps.
[*]Bow ronin unit values finally "Darthed" and balanced for the mod. Thanks a lot to Jaccez for the feedback.
[*]Changes in the DMS launcher:
[*]Unit Variety mod fixed to be compatible with Horo Removal mod and to show correctly the recruitment unit card of Loansword ashigaru. The JFC Unit card is loaded together with unit variety mod and the only side effect is that some ashigaru units have vanilla unit cards.
[*]Elvasat Mod updated.
[/list]Версия 2.75
The Sengoku Jidai DLC is adapted fully to DarthMod (various changes to stats and other projectile related things make the new units more useful according to their type). Also their secondary prerequisites have been changed so that the AI can built more of them and also unit limits have been set. Specifically, the new units remain exclusive to certain factions and need certain dojo buildings but now the secondary prerequisites are:
[*]Hand Mortars: Level 4 Castle, Unit Limit 4, MP Unit Limit 3.
[*]Mounted Gunners: Level 4 Castle, Unit Limit 6, MP Unit Limit 0.
[*]Fire Cavalry: Region Speciality Horses Level 1, Unit Limit 5, MP Unit Limit 4.
[*]Heavy Marathon Monks: Level 3 Fortress, Unit Limit 7, MP Unit Limit 4.
[*]Missile Bandits: Level 1 Sake Den, Unit Limit 0, MP Unit Limit 0.
[*]Daikyu Samurai: Level 1 Region Speciality Craftwork, Unit Limit 0, MP Unit Limit 6.
[*]Heavy Gunner: Level 4 Castle, Unit Limit 0, MP Unit Limit 4.
[*]Long Yari Ashigaru: Level 3 Fortress, Unit Limit 0, MP Unit Limit 0.
[*]Yari Bullet Proof Samurai: Level 2 Armoury, Unit Limit 0, MP Unit Limit 4.
[*]Wako Raiders: Level 0 Coastal Village, Unit Limit 0, MP Unit Limit 0.
[/list]In addition, their stats have been changed a lot, for example the Yari Bulletproof Samurai have now armour 10 and not 9 which was the same with Naginata Samurai (They must have the best armour), the Long Yari Ashigaru have big attack and minimal defense to be very good at frontal defense and weak at flanks, Missile Bandits have more ammo than the usual, projectile factors balanced to create more realistic effects for the new gunpowder weapons etc.
The melee penetration is fine tuned and now the battles look and feel more real. The unit density values have been altered and the result is that the Yari Ashigaru will fight en mass (as they should be) while other units will fight more independently.
Garrisoned units will not have so much zone of control which can cause in some rare occasions a bug that traps units (cannot move/cannot attack).
Archers have reduced charge values so that the AI will not prefer them as much to built them in some occasions (Charge values affect CAI recruitment in my mod).
No Dachi have more attack strength and a new battle entity model special for them to make them swifter and more agile.
Probability to capture artillery is increased a lot.
Probability to have wife and children increased.
Diplomacy bonus and prestige gained from battles is increased and the penalty after losing a battle is much bigger.
Loyalty begins from 2 instead of 3 (so it is more important to monitor your generals).
Prestige values changed so that the Realm divide effect will happen sooner but other values should make it milder a lot. The Realm Divide will create a positive diplomacy effect to fine tune the hard coded aggressiveness of other clans after it. The option of DMS launcher to make it milder gives an even bigger positive effect.
Lethality factors increased slightly so that the new melee penetration and dynamics are more evident (for example the No-Dachi clear their path inside a unit more easily) and also charges are more decisive, cavalry is not over-enduring and the battles are more difficult for the human player.
DMS Launcher Changes: The MP Heavy Settings now enable among others the Oda-Togugawa Allies instead of Oda Boost.
Version 2.8
The Realm Divide comes much later (after wide request) and your allies will stick to you because of the positive diplomacy effects I have set for the effect. Unfortunately the remainder clans will still all attack you as this is a hard coded feature of the game.
Generals will not start with 2 loyalty but with 3 as previously, however there will be harsher penalties after defeats and alliance dishonours so it will be more difficult to control them.
Version 2.8+
Income Boost option not working fixed.
DMS Launcher updates:
Demokritos mod updated (thanks Freiherr von Hahl for reminding).
JFC unit cards option bug when Demokritos mod was enabled fixed (it would make JFC unit crads to not work). Thanks bender30 for reminding.
JFC Unit Cards updated to include the Sengoku DLC Units (Please rep CoconutFred for his work here).
Version 2.85
All units adapted to the newest DLC "Rise of the Samurai" and several repairs made that were needed (units_stats_file corrupted, double index entries making buildings not buildable, new projectiles, many new entries in many files added etc.). Also some old settings were removed:
-Spot distances preserved as they are in vanilla.
-Yari Ashigaru animation made again vanilla because the previous change (to use only yari) caused lag and spear wall not to work correctly.
Several changes in the battle gameplay make battles more intense and difficult for the human player. Watch the melees to be as chaotic and heroic as ever. The new realistic melee system of DarthMod creates extreme charge penetrations, instant unit interactions and 1vs1 confrontation in which the better man prevails. You will not be able to control a unit easily once it is engaged, as it was in real life. The troops are ferociously entering the fray of the battle at every corner and do not hesitate.... in a few words the battles now are cinematic, violent and spectacular to watch but not easy at all to win.
Ashigaru and Levy troops have increased size to compensate correctly their lack of fighting ability against samurai and elite troops.
Unit untidyness made more realistic and not as razor straight as in vanilla (Improved the previous version).
More dynamic morale changes during battles (projectiles and artillery fire affect more, winning or losing a battle make morale to get high or low etc.). The battle can now turn very quickly with decisive tactical manoeuvres and momentums.
Daimyo fighting abilities now vary per character (in vanilla all are the same).
Ancillaries reworked from scratch. Now they are more useful.
Skill points increased from 2 to 3 for Genpei units.
Skills for characters have been improved.
In Sengoku Campaign, all agents except Ninja and Geisha need now less points to reach a skill level. This was done because they mostly gain level by passive tasks, and this is coming much slower, so Ninja and Geisha with much more star levels could easily eradicate them in late turns.
Changes for the Launcher:
Ashigaru Boost option removed (It is on by default now)
Realm Divide Mild option removed (It is on by default now)
Demokritos mod option removed (I was not able to collaborate with the creator: he asked me to frequently request permission everytime he created his ABCD1234 version of his mod.....)
Gallus Domesticus Oda-Tokugawa alliance mod updated by me (he is absent a lot of time so I had to do this alone, but full credits go to him for his very good mod)
Every other setting is updated as necessary.
Version 2.9
Improved the battle animations. (Now the troops will not step back so often and will push forward and knock down more).
Removed the collision model "Dynamic Ellipse" and replaced it with "Ellipse". It should have been responsible for FPS decrease. Now the battles look more fluid and the melee much more thrilling.
Fine tuned the morale due to the new melee setting.
Increased the Genpei ships campaign movement points to encourage AI Naval Invasions and to follow the plain logic that ships should travel faster than the "turtles" (thanks to valky for continuous feedback and help).
Replaced the bow model of Ashigaru and Levy with the DarthMod Special weak bow model (to reflect their lack of training...).
Cost of Attendants lowered to compensate the increased unit numbers of the Levy.
Increased the minor faction base income to make the Genpei small clans valuable allies or worthy enemies. (Affects Sengoku campaign too).
Raiding has now much more impact to trade route income.
Added uninstall option before installation to prevent conflict of old files with new.
Version 2.95
The melee system is improved even more. Battles are chaotic, heroic, cinematic, challenging (you should also get better FPS).
The overflow of trade income that could occur in some circumstances should now be corrected.
No-Dachi Samurai balanced better.
Genpei Levy have now higher upkeep cost to compensate their larger numbers.
Projectile damage system improved.
DMS Launcher changes:
Added option to use the very good mod Epic Texture Mod & Performance up to 50 % Version: 5.0 (Finial) which increases perfomance and FPS. It is made by Superghostboy and the button enables the mix of his mini-mods:
Finial for performance
Addon Performance fix
FPS boost up to 50%
Added easy options to enable with one click the Default 2X Size units and the Default Normal size settings of the Mod. One of these two options must be used to play Multiplayer with your friends.
Now the default unit size is enabled automatically (no longer needed to enable a special unit size option in the game settings).
Version 2.9+
Repaired a bug that caused overflow of Trade Income after raiding (Needs testing).
Version 3.25
Many improvements to the CAI recruitment choices per clan character and fix of the Archer spam reported in the previous version. (Needs testing).
CAI should develop more and build more economical buildings, according to the clan character.
CAI should manage better its economics and not endanger itself to bankruptcy, which previously could result to overaggressiveness and inexcusable war declarations to the human player. (That was even more evident in vanilla).
Balanced better the Matchlock units as per user feedback.
Better Shimazu gunners balance.
CAI should recruit less ships than army units.
CAI should build and use more the trade ships.
Some diplomacy changes.
Inciting rebellions has more penalty.
Following an ally's aggression action does not give penalty (it should be the reason why you got negative diplomacy passively overtime).
More diplomacy bonus for trade agreements.
Replaced unit multiplier x2 with x1.5. Now the Yari Ashigaru Spear Wall should work correctly and you should notice much less battle lag.
Improved slightly the movement realism of units.
Made Naginata to have distinctly more mass which helps them in melee.
Increased ship mass for enhanced physics effects.
Version 3.3
Matchlocks are now more accurate and powerful as they should be (improved the ballistics not the stats). Thanks to the multiple feedback about this matter.
Yari Ashigaru and Yari Samurai can now form Spear Squares. This makes them much more useful and also very handy when having units equipped with arquebushiers because you can handle them much more easily.
Naginata Samurai have increased attack to be more useful.
Yari Samurai have reduced Anti-Cavalry Bonus (was too high in vanilla) and +1 Defence. With their new Spear Square ability they are now very unique and useful.
CAI received some slight bonus in various sectors to be more challenging.
NanBan Trade ship is now available in custom and MP battles and also received a more realistic turning and movement rate. The Black Ship also has more realistic handling.
Ikko-Ikki Ashigaru can now be recruited in zero turns and are cheaper.
New super Darth effects created with extreme care to guns. Now you will enjoy playing with the weapons that changed the Japanese warfare and understand why they were powerful for their era not only by their impact but also from the stunning visuals. Furthermore, the effects have been optimised to use much less particles in some occasions (for example blood, ambient effects etc.) so that FPS is increased without loss of detail.
(The Darth Effects replaced the Re-Texturing of Supeghostboy because of some blood issues and conflicts with the Darth Effects... I had to use only one. If you want to manually use the Re-texture mod of Supeghostboy please note that Darth Effects are not compatible with it).
Version 3.45 compatibility patch (HotFix)
It includes all the improvements of DarthMod: Shogun II v3.4 but some features are missing until the mod tools get updated so all available mod files can be tweaked as before. Specifically this patch DISABLES:
The special land unit statistics of DarthMod (for example units morale, attack, defense values etc.)
The special unit cost balances (for example unit costs and area recruitments)
The increased Garrisons.
But it includes EVERYTHING ELSE of DarthMod Shogun v3.4 (for example overall dynamic morale, gameplay, CAI improvements etc.)
For the full changelog of DarthMod Shogun READ HERE.
In addition this patch enhances Fall of the Samurai in many sections.
You get everything of DarthMod Shogun except the following:
No special FotS unit statistics
No special FotS unit cost balances
No special FotS naval unit statistics
No special FotS projectile statistics
However, you will notice all other usual improvements you get with DarthMod, such as realistic movements, more realistic ballistics, more chaotic and realistic melee mechanics and improved BAI and CAI. Once the mod tools get updated, DarthMod will complete the scheduled improvements for FotS as planned. Do not wait until then... download DarthMod Shogun v3.4 and this patch and play the game, enjoying the enhancements you ask with your feedback.
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Special New in v3.5
Included many fixes and improvements to make DarthMod settings to adapt fully with FotS. Some noticeable improvements are:
-More realistic ballistics
-More chaotic and cinematic melees
-More realistic aiming procedure (not too rapid)
-Less accuracy as realism requires.
-Slower reload rate.
-Improved movement rates for infantry and cavalry (FotS cavalry not Benny Hill any more).
-Many more related to BAI and CAI.
Darth Effects re-created to show visually stunning and realistic, marrying both eras, medieval and 19th century era. Darth effects are now enabled by default in the launcher.
Some issues reported (Sengoku campaign CTDs, Shrapnel shots not working, Arrows sound like guns etc.) are now resolved. If there is any other Sengoku Campaign CTD, possibly it is related to the official patch and not DarthMod.
Special New in v3.6 Full Patch
This version is dedicated to daniu, DaFranker who helped enormously to upgrade the PFM Mod tool.
[*]Almost everything from the previous DarthMod: Shogun v3.4 is now imported. The combat realism, the BAI, the CAI, should all be there as you wanted them to be. The special traits and characters upgrades are temporarily removed for the time being because they caused CTD in Campaigns, especially in Sengoku Campaigns (for example the +3 Character points). Additionally one important file that gave special character to Oda and other clans to be more efficient is disabled. When the mod tools allow the editing of these newly updated files, I will insert again.
[*]Several other fixes that correct issues of the previous compatibility patches, for example the Super Lighting cannon smoke effect when HDR was on.
[*]Some very strange official vanilla bugs fixed: The Parrot gun smoke is now visible, the Tosa have the correct reload rifle animation and not the muzzle musket, sounds for Sengoku matchlocks and Heavy gunners fixed. One bug that I could not fix was the broken Fatigue system which, in Vanilla as well, does not consider properly the fatigue related to projectiles, therefore missile units tend to tire much less
[/list]and are fresh if they do not move. (Hoping for an official Fix).
Many new things were added to Sengoku and RotS gameplay to finetune (unit costs, musket balance, unit behaviour etc. which you will notice especially in battles.)
Now the more special improvements:
[*]New Darth AI Formation System included by default which is specially designed for FotS battles as it uses better the Line Infantry units and does not "blob" as in vanilla. The new formation system improves the BAI overall and utilizes better attack/defend offsets, no gaps between units, new formation types and swaps efficiently according to circumstances, for example when the AI has a traditional style army it will use the classic Sengoku formations and not the modern Darth line formations. Additionally some bugs have been traced which possibly resulted in the known Passive AI siege bug and reinforcement AI passivity, but more tests are needed to be sure.
[*]The Darth Effects which are enabled by default are by far, THE BEST AND MORE REALISTIC EVER. NO MORE WORDS HERE. YOU MUST SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES! All the smoke and cimematic atmosphere you get with these effects are provided with no additional FPS loss = Magic.
[*]New Projectile Trails that replace those ugly white vanilla lasers with more subtle and gentle ones. Even if you never liked trails in Total War games, these, quite strangely, add to the atmosphere and should be tried out.
[/list] And finally FotS improvements to the Maximum as well! The most notable from the hundreds are:
[*]Realistic Ballistics and Animations provide you a real feel of the gun warfare of the era. The units do not aim, load robotically and have applied 100% accuracy as in vanilla (my god) and have increased effective range according to weapon type. Each weapon type is very much unique and makes each unit having it special as well. For example you will really feel the might of modern breech loaders compared to old muzzle loaded muskets. The basic range increases are:
Old muskets range=150
Bows range=150
Muzzle loaded Rifles=180 (increased to 250 with suppressive fire)
Breech rifles=190 (increased to 250 with suppressive fire)
Sharpshooter rifles (Muzzle or Breech)=250
мAccordingly the Naval Battles are optimised with multiple ways as common logic required. No longer the ships will turn so quickly or shoot with 100 accuracy. Tactics matter more and you will feel the many changes right away once you play your first battle.
-Massive Balance re-work for Land and Naval units. The changes are too many to type and you will notice them while playing and comparing units alike. In general, the traditional troops have the necessary armour and melee superiority against the modern infantry which should prevail with proper gun tactics. Other balance changes include historic adjustments, for example L'Ocean better stats than the Roanoke Class ship, and some fixes, for example Copper plated ships have now some armour (in vanilla they had not in the stats).
[*]The BAI and CAI in FotS is greatly improved overall following the correct recipe of DarthMod: Shogun II. However, there is plenty of room to improve things and feedback is necessary, so head to TWCenter and supply your opinion, suggestion, ideas etc.
[/list]Version 3.6 HotFix
Gatling guns not firing fixed (Thanks to Valky for the feedback).
Jozai 1st turn crash fixed (Had to remove increased Land Army Radius of DarthMod).
Messed up archer/gun sound bug fixed (Had to remove the file "unit_tables" responsible mainly for the very important unit cost balances, special area recruitments, increased fleet movement points etc... when the mod tools allow it I shall return it back).
Kneel Fire available to White Tigers too.
Kneel Fire available immediately in the campaign for all the units and does not need research. To kneel is not so difficult and it was necessary so to counter the rank fire ability that is inserted for the levies. The previous vanilla research related to Kneel Fire is replaced by accuracy bonuses.
Some minor unit balance improvements.
Balanced better the projectile system vs melee.
Naval projectile damage & accuracy system improved for more realistic and slower battles.
Some AI formations optimizations.
Some CAI FotS necessary tweaks.
Fine tuned volley fire mechanics to show more real and not "Gamey". You will notice that troops will tend to fire controlled massed volleys without your intervention.
Version 3.7
Reworked all about the AI Battle formation and corrected all issues reported (problems with sieges, ambushes, naval battles, CTD etc.) and not only that, the new formations take full advantage of modern gun warfare. Notice the AI to attack you with rifles as you have never seen it before! You will be scared.
Better gun reload & drill synchronization (results to devastating volleys).
Corrected some animation issues which made units to response less quickly.
Gave special Samurai collision model to some traditional troops to help them even more in melee.
Made melee even more cinematic and chaotic.
Rifles should be even better at high range as requested.
Improved Naval battles overall especially the related BAI.
Ships will not explode so often.
CAI should be not be so prone to break alliances and trade agreements as before.
Realm Divide will happen not so early as before.
FotS CAI will prefer more the traditional troops but also the Line Infantry as well.
Gunboats will not be preferred so much by CAI.
Many more to see for yourself...
Special new in v3.8
Fixed the random campaign Freezes.
Fixed CAI preferring too much Yari Samurai.
CAI now not too aggressive.
Naval Autocalc improved.
AI formation fix so not to cause random CTD in battles.
Made CAI to prefer far less the Gunboats but I cannot optimise because the relevant file cannot be modded yet.
Returned projectile effectiveness to proper levels.
Fine tuned naval projectile damage.
Made less the accuracy bonus of a certain technology level because it increased it proportionally too much and destroyed balance.
Removed rank fire ability for Matchlock Katchi because the AI never used it and probably it affected negatively the AI using this drill.
Improved the artillery accuracy to be better as requested.
Lessened the artillery crew "dancing" (not sure if it is a vanilla bug).
Improved the CAI recruitment choices for all campaign types (Boshin, Genpei, Sengoku).
Naval autocalc should not be so lethal so that gunboats take bigger ships with them.
Special new in v3.8 HotFix
Guns slightly more powerful to take down Samurai & Cavalry charges more easily.
More ammo for guns as requested.
Some slight improvements to Formations AI resulting to more effective BAI.
Gunboat balance tweaks to make them less effective in autocalc and in battle as it was required.
Garrison fixes (now Castle has correctly more garrison and also high tier buildings have more Line Infantry than Levy Infantry).
Fatigue affected more by reloading/firing.
FotS Infantry more resistant to cavalry.
(This hotfix is fully compatible with your campaign saves)
Special new in v3.9
Cavalry less resistant against projectiles.
Missile troops more responsive.
FotS missile troops animations improved.
AI Formations improved especially those dedicated to FotS.
FotS gun infantry AI should be more effective (trying to fire from largest distance possible).
Levy Musketmen have the correct teppo equipment (Vanilla mistake).
Levy Musketmen have now Kneel fire instead of rank fire.
Shooting fatigue penalties slightly increased.
Movement gradient penalties lessened.
Shimazu heavy gunners have now powerful missile penetration ability (as in vanilla but more realistic).
Wooden cannon impact damage increased (They should do some more damage when they hit something).
Bombardment less effective from small ships and generally not so devastating.
Special new in v3.9+ HotFix
CAI gunboat spam is no more.
Many Formation AI repairs so that you get the proper challenge in battles.
Formation AI overhaul in positioning which results to a far better BAI.
Projectile damaged slightly balanced better.
Naval BAI inconsistencies repaired (stacking into the corner too often).
Mangonel more effective.
Sharpnel trajectory more realistic as it falls.
Coastal guns will not aim too high.
FotS Samurai Bow Hero more effective.
Hero Bows more straight aiming to reflect the superior bow training.
Special new in v3.95
Much more superior Battle AI both in Land and Naval battles due to many adjustments in formations and other related factors.
Troop movement & physics even more realistic.
Many improvements in projectile ballistics and physics for all missile types. You should notice even more realistic trajectories and impacts.
Infantry ammo increased, especially for the modern FotS units.
Yugekitai better balance.
Naval autocalc should be improved.
CAI should no longer declare war so easily.
Suppressive fire bug fixed (Vanilla error that increased instead of decreasing unit speed, thanks to rob-a-dogg for the feedback).
Special new in v3.95+ HotFix
Various fixes to formations for a far more poweful BAI. 2x times better.
Various improvements to Darth Effects especially to artillery impacts and muzzle flashes.
A very ugly looking vanilla blood effect removed (this related to artillery impact which is like a "blood octopus")
Missile Lethality slightly enhanced as requested.
Some acceleration values which affect even more negatively the known "vanilla Dance effect" have been improved.
Special new in v4.0
Bayonets are finally available thanks to the mod of IGdood and kungfuserge. This original mod can be found here:
DarthMod has used this mod's technique to enable Bayonets and balanced the stats accordingly. Now you can enable Bayonets in the Boost options of the Launcher for the following units:
Elite Imperial Guard Infantry
Infaderie de Marine
Republican Guard Infantry
Royal Marines
Shogunate Guard Infantry
United States Marines
Garrison Infantry
Light Sharpshooters
Light Yugekitai
Azure Dragon Force
Black Tortoise Infantry
Imperial Infantry
Line Infantry
Line Republican Infantry
Line Shogunate Infantry
Line Vermillion Bird Force
Militia Levy Infantry
By enabling bayonets you give to these units special anti-cavalry/defence properties and a slight attack penalty. The only glitch is that in combat animation the rifle/musket is slightly mispositioned between the hands. If you want to revert to vanilla Katana/Sword melee fashion of the original game, you can do it anytime without spoiling your campaign save.
Some elite units can now form squares:
Elite Imperial Guard Infantry
Infaderie de Marine
Republican Guard Infantry
Royal Marines
United States Marines
Imperial Infantry
Line Republican Infantry
The following units now have mass fire (fire all together and not only the first rank):
Matchlock Kachi
Light Sharphooters
Tosa Riflemen
Light Yugekitai
Included the special CAI File that was removed from version 3.4 because of incompatibilties with the official patch. Now the major clans, like Oda, will have more survival/prevail chances and the Ashikaga Boost options works 100% as it is intended. (We must thank Daniu for his ongoing support of the PFM Tool for that.)
Included the special character bonuses files that give +3 Skills to generals, special character bonuses etc. as it was in version 3.4. (We must thank Daniu for his ongoing support of the PFM Tool for that.)
Increased the FotS Land Campaign movement and the Naval Movement for all campaigns. That results to more naval invasions and more action in the campaign map.
Reduced the insanely high cost of FotS buildings to more proper levels. That results to a more challenging CAI that can recruit better units and also there is less "misery" for the human player (not able to do anything for many turns).
White Tigers have a slightly better balance.
Spear Levy have -1 morale for better balance.
Included the widely requested large deployment zones and ambush mod FOTS S2 ROTS of freelancerX as a Boost Option.
Re-updated the Atmoshperic Sounds mod (there were some issues reported).
Special new in v4.0+ HotFix
Vanilla Boshin Rifle Units "Break Dance Bug" Fixed (It can now occur very very seldom).
Naval Campaign movement points doubled for a more dynamic game and many invasions (in the previous version this was not enabled correctly).
Land Campaign movement points increased very slightly.
Several fixes to CAI handicaps.
FotS buildings cheaper for the AI to make it more challenging (to develop and build more armies).
Yari Kachi Anti-Cavalry Bonus increased slightly.
Some improvements to character skill tiers (now the FotS General and Character have not so many bonuses per upgrade).
Traditional buildings have more modernization penalties (your choice for modern or traditional warfare is now clearer).
Some Building effects improvements/vanilla fixes.
Movement speed penalties balance improved.
Melee mechanics improved to become more decisive and violent.
Unit responses improved.
Mangonel effectiveness balanced.
Special new in v4.1
CAI improved and is more helpful to allies.
CAI now will no longer refuse trade agreements for no reason.
Naval BAI improved and should no longer stuck to the edge of the map.
Naval Sengoku cannons more effective.
Naval Matchlocks have now more range, the same with the naval bows.
FotS building costs balanced better to make the economy a more challenging matter.
Modernization penalties are now severe for traditional buildings and some technologies.
Also fixed the modernization technology penalties which worked the opposite
(they wrote - but they gave +).
Naval experience no longer gained so easily as in vanilla.
Cavalry commander General bonuses corrected.
Some traits have been updated.
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Special new in v4.3 (Last Edition)
Updated to work correctly with the latest CA Patch (There was the mixed audio sounds problem again).
Several balances in gameplay and AI formations. You should get now the best possible challenge in Land and Naval battles with very satisfying animations, melees and realistic havoc.
The bug that made matchlock units not to "fire at will" volley shots is now fixed (thank you for reporting multiple times).
Many improvements to the Darth Effects especially for the gun muzzle effects and the howitzer shots.
Adapted the Launcher to apply correctly the mod scripts according to the latest official mod manager Launcher of the game. You should not use the PLAY button anymore. Just apply your options whenever you want, close the launcher and click at the official game shortcut to start the game. When the mod manager opens, choose only the "darthmod_shogun.pack" or one of the other DarthMod packs if you want to play with Vanilla Garrisons, Vanilla Handicaps etc.
Shortly there will be also a new special Steam Workshop version of the mod which you can download directly from Steam Workshop with the name "DarthMod: Shogun II SW Version". This version includes in a pack:
The gameplay and AI of DarthMod
The increased unit sizes which you change in the menu easily
The FotS Bayonets by IGdood & Kungfuserge
The Darth Effects
The Horo Removal by The Hedge Knight
The JFC Unit Cards
Full Multiplayer support (All players running this version can see eachother online and can also play with the increased unit sizes
To use all the extra submods you must use the Launcher version or apply manually the Pack Version of the mod.
In a few words DarthMod: Shogun II is now offered in three different ways which you must use seperately according to your needs:
The Full Launcher version (It has the most options and submods)
The Mini-Pack version (The user can manually install it as per instructions ->Not advised for novices)
***NEW*** The Steam Workshop version (It includes only the necessary and has the best multiplayer compatibility).
Special new in v4.2+++ (Bushido Edition)
Many AI formation improvements (Land & Naval). You will lose many battles from this AI.
Combat & Animation mechanics improvements which also improve FPS perfomance.
Unit physics and melee penetration improved.
Ships more realistic physics and interaction with waves.
Morale tweaks for more challenging and enduring battles.
Some projectile improvements, for example gun reload rates.
Secondary ground movement modifiers of the game nullified (they created a sluggish unit movement and possibly lag).
Battle autoresolve improved.
Attack fire arcs changes. AI Cavalry should now move+flank far more effectively and will be not suicidal.
Launcher changes:
The 1X button is replaced by the "Normal Unit Size" button. This button will now enable DarthMod with the most common options for multiplayer but will not lock unit size to 1X. You can change the unit size as in Vanilla per your own taste. This makes it more compatible for organising MP battles but also will no longer confuse player on how to reduce unit sizes to vanilla levels.
Special new in v4.2++
Bow/Gun sound mess fixed.
Special new in v4.2+
Balanced for the latest DLC units "Saints & Heroes".
Fixed the badly mixed sounds that the DLC caused to the mod.
Balanced melee mechanics for even more realistic battles.
Many AI FotS formations improvements for a more effective BAI.
Balanced projectiles to be more realistic overall.
Fixed a minor bug concerning 1st level Shogun Garrison.
Improved a lot the smoke effects (Darth Effects).
Enhanced the blood (Darth Effects).
Special new in v4.2
Improved melee and animation mechanics greatly so to witness cinematic and chaotic battles as never before. Inspired by the epic screenshot tales of Le_Fred which you can read here: "Le Fred's" Epic Stories!
Balanced the projectile reload mechanics to be realistic, so that units fire not as untiring machines but like drilled normal fighters who must control their stamina and ammo to maximise their kill rate. That can lead to more devastating volleys but also to less effectiveness, according to the skill of the general.
Corrected a formation AI issue which could lead to AI ships sticking to the corners of the map.
CAI should now position its armies more strategically in the map for a more challenging and realistic game exprerience.
Diplomacy improved a lot to be very close to human cunningness and effectiveness. You can make trusted allies but also you will witness powerful allied opponents. (The improvements include the possible AI trade not accepted bug fix).
Money plays now much bigger role in diplomacy negotiations (In vanilla it is insignificant).
Threats should now have more diplomacy effect (In vanilla they are insignificant).
Naval damage system balanced better.
Naval cannons have more hitpoints so that they do not get destroyed easily.
Launcher additions:
Re-included the Shogun 2 & Fall of the Samurai Retexture & Performance Project by Superghostboy which now does not conflict with DarthMod Effects. For some machines it can result to better FPS but its most superb addition is the new more realistic blood effects.
Included the BSM for Shogun 2 by Mech_Donald which provides much better effects than vanilla and it can replace the default Darth Effects according to your preference. Because it conflicts with DarthMod Effects and SuperGhostBoy mod, the launcher makes sure that whenever you enable it, the other are disabled and vice versa.
The V.3.05 -Unit Variety Mod by The Hedge Knight has been modified by SuperGhostBoy to be less stressing for your video card.
Re-moved the Japanese voice fix of Wind because it was obsolete.
Tiny v4.1+++ HotFix
Launcher updated fully to work as intended with the previous fix.
Special new in v4.1++ HotFix
CAI should now build even bigger stacks, armies of Death in late turns. Now the AI is a much more resilient opponent and you should not rely too much in allies if you cannot keep adequate army forces.
Fixed a problem of the Launcher which made the Mod not to disable itself fully (the fixed sounds pack affects the installation by its presence in the data folder).
Naval experience reducing after bombardment should now be fixed or lessened a lot the probability to happen (needs testing).
Sengoku Light Cavalry have now 120 men instead of 90 (with 1.5X) as all other cavalry types.
Special new in v4.1+ HotFix
The so much anticipated fix has arrived. Finally all DarthMod files are in place and now you get the full experience. The "unit_tables" responsible for unit costs/upkeeps/special recruitment options etc. a very crucial file was damaged because of the latest CA patch and could not be used because the sounds got mixed (bow sounded like guns etc.).
Now the sounds are repaired thanks to Crux3D and his genious Symphony Tool with which I repaired that dreaded mixed sounds bug.
I also thank all who have helped in this discussion thread: Corrupted Sounds Solutions and Discussion.
Musket/Rifle smoke improved (made slightly thicker and even more realistic).
FotS Modernization penalties adjusted better as per feedback (I repeat that with this system you have to choose your side and you cannot build everything as in vanilla... this is a feature not a bug, so if you want to be traditional, forget the modernization. If you want to modernise, stop building traditional buildings. Simple. You have to remember also that traditional bonuses are more in 1st level of technology.
Новое в v5.0 (Finale Edition)
Юниты больше не должны застревать в воротах фортов (ошибка, о которой сообщали много раз).
Экипаж в некоторых судах не должен застревать, и теперь человеку доступны все пушки.
Несколько прекрасных настроек для механики и синхронизации в ближнем бою.
Чардж более эффективный и проникающий.
Профиксены построения.
Мораль более действенна, кавалерийский чардж принимает более решающее значение.
Более реалистичная и сложная система боевого опыта, откорректирован баланс смертности в ближнем бою.
Улучшенное позиционирование ИИ при стрельбе.
Дипломатия более активно влияет на заключение торговых соглашений между кланами.
CAI еще более эффективен и активен.
Сухопутные и морские улучшения Autocalc.
CAI теперь нанимают больше Ashigaru.
CAI теперь нанимают меньше Bow Kobaya и больше тяжелых кораблей.
Кораблей, идущих к границе карты должно быть значительно меньше или вообще не быть.
Каре и повальный огонь удалены, поскольку они создавали дисбаланс и ИИ никогда их не использовал.
Изменения Лаунчера:
- Удалены устаревшие сабмоды: (Superghostboy mod, Ftmch Retexture mod, Unit Variety, Toon's Bows).
- Добавлены новые популярные моды после многих просьб и с любезного разрешения их авторов.
Добавлено следующее:
"Vastator Unit Style 1.3". A more unit variety type mod. 1.3 RELEASED! by =Vastator=
Alternative Clan Colours by Demokritos
NOIF's Boshin War Mod (NoBWN) - HISTORICAL FLAGS, BANNERS & UNIFORMS by ♔Noif de Bodemloze♔
NOIF's Modern Japan Army Mod by ♔Noif de Bodemloze♔
Noif's Bows by ♔Noif de Bodemloze♔
Bullgod's Daimyos and Generals mod от BullGod
BullGod Новые трции от BullGod
Установка и настойка DarthMod
Мод ставится с помощью инсталлятора, которому необходимо указать путь расположения игры на диске (по умолчанию даётся стандартный, стимовский). Кроме того, мод располагает мощным конфигуратором, который необходимо навестить перед запуском мода.
В конфигураторе можно (и нужно) задать настройки использования сабмодов и параметров мода (включая мультиплеер). Выбор тут (в последних версиях мода) следующий:
Общие настройки DarthMod
- Projectile Trails On/Off – включает/отключает «лазерные» следы от полёта стрел (гуд, для отслеживания направления стрельбы они совеем не обязательны);
- Horo On/Off - включает/отключает отображение хоро – надувных баллонов за спинами телохранителей генерала (исторично, но имхо, некрасиво и неудобно);
- JFC Unit Cards On/Off – включает/отключает использование улучшенных (раскрашенных в зависимости от рода войск) иконок отрядов (неплохо, но не обязательно);
- Oda/Tokugawa Allies On/Off – включает/отключает вассалитет Токугава по отношению к Ода (в ваниле они враги и замириться с ними нельзя, ибо они вассалы враждебного Ода дома Имагава, так что Ода приходится драться на два фронта – ещё и против дома Сайто – тогда как исторически он, вроде бы, расширялся в основном в направлении Киото);
- Realm Divide Mild On/Off – включает/отключает смягчение эффекта события «Раздел Поднебесной» (они и без того смягчены в моде, так что это опционально);
Вкладка «Графика и Аудио» (”Graphics & Sounds”):
- Clan Retexture Mod On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, изменяющий цвета фракций (Clan Retexture Project, автор – Ftmch; имхо, не слишком удачный проект);
- Atmospheric Sounds Mod On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, добавляющий новые звуковые эффекты (Atmospheric Sounds Mod, автор – pisoiasul) – свист стрел, звуки взрывов и т.п. (неплох, но новые истошные крики умирающих, имхо, чувствительно портят картину);
- Japanese Speech Fix On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, исправляющий огрехи оригинальной озвучки – перепутанные местами звуковые файлы (однозначно нужная вещь);
- Furinkazan On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, заменяющий оригинальные портреты полководцев и агентов на новые, живописные (Furinkazan: a comprehensive art rework) (очень неплох, но эльвасатовский лучше – см. ниже);
- Sashimono Removal On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, отключающий отображение сасимоно – клановых стягов за спинами бойцов (не исторично и не атмосферно, имхо, совершенно ненужно – без сасимоно и самураи не самураи);
- Toon Lite Graphics On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, заменяющий оригинальные луки (к ванильным не приглядывался, но и эти, вроде, неплохи);
- Elvasat’s Mod On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, который заменяет не только оригинальные портреты полководцев и агентов, но иконки событий (а потому предпочтительнее, чем Furinkazan, с которым, кстати, несовместим);
- Unit Variety Mod On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, разнообразящий внешний вид бойцов внутри каждого отряда (неплох, но обилие бойцов в одном кимоно и несовместимость его с ретекстурами Деморита заставили меня отказаться от него).
Вкладка «Усилители» (”Boost Options”):
- Projectile Boost On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, увеличивающий поражающую способность стрел (их убойность, проще говоря; имхо, без него никак – иначе толку от луков никакого; щитов ведь у самураев не было, а значит, луки должны быть сильны);
- Oda Boost On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, усиливающий клан Ода (имеет смысл, если за Ода играет ИИ и не включён союз Ода с Токугава – тогда у Ода будет возможность нанимать много асигару за 0 ходов, а следовательно, возможность выжить);
- Ashikaga Boost On – включает/отключает сабмод, усиливающий дом Асикага (имхо, уж слишком – тот начинает активно вести экспансионистскую политику, остановить которую непросто, ведь Асикага – сёгуны);
- Ashigaru Boost On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, увеличивающий число воинов в отрядах асигару с целью усилить их против самураев (имхо, оно того не стоит – лишняя нагрузка на компьютер и не слишком исторично);
- Income Boost On/Off – включает/отключает сабмод, значительно увеличивающий доходы всех фракций. Включая фракцию игрока (по желанию; строить здания и нанимать армии теперь будет проще, но не только для вас…).
Вкладка «Прочие настройки» (”Extra Gameplay Options”):
Содержит варианты применения опций мода: ванильные либо удвоенные размеры отрядов в сочетании с ванильными/модифицированными размерами гарнизонов и гандикапами для игрока в различных сочетаниях друг с другом – следует выбрать только один вариант из всех.
Также имеется ряд модов, не входящих в сборку Дарта Вейдера, но полностью совместимых в ним и даже рекомендуемых к совместному использованию. В первую очередь, это Additional Units Mod, добавляющий в игру новые отряды (из сетевого режима и игры и DLC) и новые способности для них.
Через кнопку PLAY в конфигураторе игра может не запуститься – тогда её следует запустить через обычный ярлык Сёгуна 2. Игра запустится вместе с модом.
Полная версия v5.0 Finale Edition
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