I'm sharing my personal taste of another of numerous gameplay rebalance settings that showed up lately. None of them was exactly meeting these goals of mine:
Warspace Extension and Terror from Space mod were best candidates in my opinion but I made some tweaks that suited me best.
So the aim of this version is to revamp and restore features to more resemble oldskool classic UFO: Enemy Unknown while maintain meaningful realism and fun factor together. Also this is attempt to even balance the difficulty throughout the whole gameplay so it's not making overall game easier or vice versa hardcore.
• Second wave enabled with Marathon fix and equal +/- interval for Not Created Equally (for second wave unlocked you will need profile.bin which has these options unlocked)
• Difficulty steps are now smoother (yes this mod is meant for all difficulties.. not classic only.. and based mainly but not only on lower/higher HP, damage and will of aliens in tactical gameplay and very slight differencies in income+energy+panic system in strategic part)
• Aliens don't cheat with higher aim and critical chances on higher difficulties, they have higher HP, damage & will instead
• UFOs on mission to abduction or terror interceptable (doubled UFO missions throughout the whole game)
• Less elerium and alloy gains from UFOs (to even out gains from doubled UFO missions) *more testing and feedback needed
• Slightly higher losses of alloy and elerium in crashed UFOs (to make EMP cannon more useful in decision making whether to use stronger firepower)
• UFO items on grey market have sightly higher value (EMP hunting will be main source of income) *more testing and feedback needed
• Funding completely rebalanced to rely less on satellites and more on grey market + base council funding which is higher (you won't be beggar the first few months and swimming in money later after launching all satellites) *more testing and feedback needed
• Countries' sat bonus resemble real GDP so there are huge differences (some countries as low as 20§.. there is usually at least one rich giver on each continent to harden decisions between income and continental bonus)
• Continental bonuses higher for European Scientists and Engineers 50%->75% (to make it more attractive among much greater other continent bonuses)
• Continental bonuses higher for African funding multiplier 30%-40% (to maintain attractivity for lowered sat bonuses)
• Starting budget 500§+ (to have option for first important strategical decisions early in game)
• Laboratory and Workshop requirements lowered (so you can start building right from beginning)
• Abductions rewards slightly higher - Scientists 4->5, Engineers 4->5, money 250§->300§ (so you can for example get 5 engineers and already meet requirement for second sat uplink)
• Prices of manufactured items rebalanced (flight weapons resemble their hand counterpart, plasma weapons prices remarkably higher to make laser weapons more attractive and "capturing live" plasma weapons worth it)
• Final facilities have much higher maintenance and power cost (to balance the massive income and no need for further money in the ending phases)
• Research times increased along side of making laboratory facility useful and essential
• Final technology and final facility for ending game made longer to complete (to prolong the fast ending after shooting down Overseer UFO)
• Alien grenades foundry project made cheaper (how probable it is to need more alien grenades than you already have anyway)
• Capture drone foundry project cheaper (still having hard times finding capturing drone worth the trouble)
• All SHIW foundry projects take shorter (so you can build and deploy SHIW much sooner than inventing alloy SHIW for example)
• Shorter SHIW manufacture time to equal hire time 3 days
• Alloy SHIW is twice as expensive as basic SHIW
• Alloy SHIW has 2 additional HP compared to Hover SHIW (to make it also useful after inventing Hover SHIW)
• Plasma weapons technologies require 2 example items of each type first to be researched (so you'll need to use Arc-thrower to "capture live" weapons a bit more)
• Researching Laser weapons is almost twice as much easier compared to plasma weapons (so you won't jump directly to plasma in the beginning.. maybe pistol yes)
• Laser weapons don't need reloading (making them much more useful than conventional weapons)
• Plasma weapons are overall slightly better in damage, hit and critical chance
• Pistols made more useful aim- & critical-wise (to make it better choice in some situations)
• Environment damage rebalanced (so aliens need twice as much plasma hitting from their weapons and you are still able to destroy environment with conventional and laser weapons.. mostly cannons, shotguns and snipers)
• Explosive weapons are more effective (so their limited use and destroyed items are worth it)
• Rocket launcher range doubled and chance to hit always 100% (same reason.. that one rocket in your pack has some potential now)
• Reloading needed for pistols too now (except laser... however I've never ran out of ammo with pistol.. just cosmetical bit for realism)
• Arc-thrower goes to pistol slot (to even out usefulness of pistols and offer slot for other backpack item)
• Shotguns have higher aim in full distance penalty -40->-20 and are more deadly (slightly higher damage and critical chance... makes shotguns the deadliest hand guns that do not suck anymore)
• Sniper near distance penalty not as drastic (but still pistols are now much better choice, even more with sniper ability to boost pistol damage)
• Supression aim penalty really works for all weapons, the higher rate of fire the higher aim penalty (SHIW highest, then heavy cannons, rifles and pistols lowest)
• Armors rebalanced making heavy armors slower with two item slots and light armor faster with defense bonus
• Armors give will bonuses, the better armor the higher will
• Item slot armor addons are a little more effective and give will bonus too
• PSI training has 5 slots 4 slots for soldiers now (as there are visibly 5 chamber devices in the facility) *known issue
• PSI training time increased 10->13 days (so in one month you are able to check 9 soldiers for gift as in vanilla)
• Barracks capacity limited 99->20 soldiers (as there are visibly 20 beds in barracks facility.. this way you may have 5 units at PSI training, 9 injured, 6 active)
• Starting game with less soldiers 12->8
• Hiring soldiers is not as cheap now 15§->40§
• Soldiers have very slightly less HP but armor bonuses are slightly higher (which results in slightly less injuries needing recovery at hospital)
• Recovering from injury time has wider interval now like in oldskool UFO - up to one month (to make the Academy upgrade more essential and force you to train rookies)
• Soldiers have slightly better level up bonuses to HP, aim and will (Supports gain additional HP and will on start, Heavies gain higher HP in the end, Assaults gain higher aim and will on start and higher defense on highest ranks)
• Leveling up gets slower with higher rank.. with defense and movement bonus on two highest ranks for all (you won't have highest rank before Alien base mission) *more testing and feedback needed
• Will gain perk at Academy can be acquired one rank sooner (so your higher ranks will benefit a bit more from this)
• Panicked soldiers won't attack comrades
• Grapple usage distance longer 15->20 spaces (to make already quite limited usage for grapple a bit more useful and tactical variance more interesting)
• The aliens' weapons do as high damage as they would in your hands (as you are now much more effective in tactical part.. better weapons, armors, more items, better soldiers)
• Sectoid commanders have less HP but are harder to hit and move faster (small frame)
• Mutons are not as hard to hit but have higher HP (big frame)
• Sectopods are not as hard to hit (big frame)
• Chance of offscreen kills resulting in zombies on Chryssalid terror missions - easy:30% normal:50% classic&impossible:100%
• Maximum number of aliens that can be attacking you at one time - easy:3 normal:4 classic&impossible:unlimited
• Excavating takes less time 5->2 days but removing facility takes time 0->1 days
• Removing facility does not cost anything, you'll even get small refund on materials -5§->+20§
• Nexus uplink gives more satellite capacity 4->5 and is more attractive to build (to make it equaly useful as adjacted sat uplinks in quadrant - 4x2+4x1=12 sats)
• Power adjacency bonus higher 2->3
• Elerium power generator is a bit cheaper 275§->250§, alloys 40->30, but maintenance is higher 29§->70§ a month
• Aircraft transfer time lowered 3->1 days, rearm time lowered 24->12 hours
• Higher chance that terror mission will take place in most panicked country 75%->90%
• Panic for ignored and escaped UFO is equal now 1 (as if sending interceptor and aborting the mission right away was not shameless)
• Panic redux for added satellite for whole continent 0->1, country as before 2 (after all you may intercept the whole continent thanks to sat)
• Panic redux for thwarted abduction country 2, continent 1
• Highest panic will be always reduced by 1 each month in countries with satellite
• Panic redux for conquered Alien Base lower 3->2 (to even out lowered panics)
• If you have at least one satellite on a continent with country of highest panic there's a 70% chance it will not leave the XCOM project *more testing and feedback needed
• Satellite build time lower 20->14 days
• (experimental) PSI Storm ability may be earned via exp, however it's 7x as hard as earning mind control ability *more testing and feedback needed
Details way below...
• Applying mod in mid-game does not trigger all the changes so it is unbalanced without starting a new game
• Only 4 slots for PSI training are visible and the fourth is cropped a little from bottom side
• Total aim for pistols is calculated without +10% bonus for pistol *more testing and feedback needed whether this is just cosmetical or bonus aim for pistol is not working at all
• Descriptions of items are missing bonuses like additional slot for heavy armors, will bonus, movement changes etc.
• weapon fragments gains restored to original
• fixed description for bits that did not work
• added info about PSI storm earning however change was present in previous versions
• rocket launcher chance to hit always 100%
• satellite build time 14 days not 10
• critical chance fix for aliens' weapons
• minor enhancements for easy difficulty
• Environmental damage polishing
• Rocket launcher double range
• More PSI defense for aliens on higher difficulties
• Higher difficulty for strategic part on Impossible
• Labs more efficient
• Hyperwave radar costs 400§
• Find a way how to fix PSI training number of slots issue
1. Go to the game binaries folder (Game folder)BinariesWin32
Example: C:Program FilesSteamsteamappscommonXcom-Enemy-UnknownBinariesWin32
Example: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonXcom-Enemy-UnknownBinariesWin32
2. Make a backup of XComGame.exe (the patcher also makes a copy into file XComGame.originalexe, but it will be overwritten if you run patcher more than once)
3. Extract the contents of this mod archive into the game binaries folder (Game folder)BinariesWin32
4. Execute the file patcher.bat (double-click it in Explorer) and wait a few seconds (a small progress window should pop up and hide)
5. Start the game by launching it from Steam or desktop shortcut and have fun!
If you are not sure whether your game is successfully modded then start a new game and try to hire new soldiers. If you have capacity 20 then the mod is applied. If you have capacity 99 then the mod is not applied at all and you'll have to investigate why - steam overwriting you xcomgame.exe is the highest probability.
• BlackAlpha's Warspace Extension mod - very inspiring for base for this setup
• Anyone's Terror from Space mod - also very inspiring for base of this setup
• Dreadylein (XCOM Nexus forum) for creating the mod patcher version 0.12, used in this mod archive!
• Asuzu for his description which inspired me... well I completely copied his installation instructions as they are perfect
• My girl Monička for being very patient during polishing this.